9:30 AM
Whether you like your sweet sweet love with a hearty side of
brashness is paramount to the enjoyment of “Trainwreck”. The title of the film
might assume an unexpectedly literal meaning if Amy Schumer’s larger than life
entertainment value is a bit too much noise and not enough wit for you. However,
it is worth noting that her ouvre sports a kind of bloated realism where jokes
never quite steep to the often stinky lows of the “Hangover” crowd. The topsy turvy approach of swapping the stale romcom gender roles are bound to bring about a few smirks even if the tampon jokes and comical sex scenes fail.
Enjoyment aside, “Trainwreck” unfortunately fails to carry
out its self-confessed feminist power trip. As the bold and obstreperous Amy
finds love, she also seems to lose a large part of what made her the strong and
wilful woman she is advertised to be. After Amy becomes lovestruck, “Trainwreck”
starts bending to the forceful male gaze. The filmmakers did have the audacity to refrain from a white
picket fence and golden retriever “A year later” montage, but the cheerleader
scene in the end creates an eerie deja vu feeling of someone recording a bad
noughties romcom on your “Trainwreck” DVD. What a sour note to end a relatively
entertaining rowdy vaudeville.